Influencer marketing is growing leaps and bounds. With the emergence of social media, brands can now reach their audience in a more effective and efficient manner. The market size of the influencer marketing platform is set to grow from USD 6.0 billion in 2020 to USD 24.1 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 32.0%
By using influencers to amplify your message, you are able to increase your reach exponentially. But there are a few pitfalls that brands often tend to make which retards the success of their influencer marketing campaigns. In this blog, we have mentioned a list of pitfalls that you must take care of.
Spamming Social Media With Ads
There’s nothing worse than seeing an advertisement in your social media feed five times in a row. Not only will this irritate people, but it won’t get you results. Be present on social media by sharing content that entertains and educates your followers. Interact with them over time to build a lasting relationship (and eventually convert them into customers). Choose relevant and limited influencers for your influencer marketing campaigns so that you don’t annoy your audience.
Giving Away Freebies
Look at it this way: What’s the value in having your followers constantly follow you for a freebie? (Never mind that they’ll end up not even liking you or agreeing with what you post.) If you’re going to give away free stuff, make sure it’s a planned campaign rewarding your genuine followers who follow you for your engaging content and good product reviews. If you are including giving away freebies in your influencer marketing campaign, make sure its planned and done with the right influencers so that you get an engaging audience and future loyal customers from them.
Not Understanding Your Audience
You can’t expect to sell unless you know who your audience is. This simply means that you must know where your current target audience hangs out. Once you figure out the right Social Media channel that works for you, use insights to analyze more about their location, gender, age and what type of content they find most engaging. In doing so, you can present information relevant to them. You should then analyze which influencers have a similar audience and select accordingly for your influencer marketing campaigns.
Prioritizing Reach Over Context
Context and relevance are just as important as having a large number of followers. You may have a great offer, but it’s of no use if your audience doesn’t like or understand it?
Many brands often target influencers with massive following irrespective of the relevancy of their content for their brand. You must be very careful and aim at providing value to your customers. When you search for influencers for your influencer marketing campaigns make sure your content is relevant for their page and also see that posts related to your content are getting engagement rather than seeing the number of followers they have.
Focusing On The Number of Followers
There’s absolutely no point in having a lot of followers if all they are going to do is fake like your posts. It’s important to keep your followers engaged and get them to interact with you like you would want them to interact with a friend. If you’re asking for them to buy something from you, then make sure that they are excited to try your product.
Being Too Complicated In Your Message
It’s a good idea to show off your value, but make sure that it doesn’t sound complicated. People will start finding it difficult to understand what you’re trying to say (especially when they’re not even interested in buying from you). Stick to the basics, so that they can understand what you’re trying to say. Influencers have the advantage of connecting with their audience very easily, you should make sure that you give that flexibility to your influencers rather than forcing them to use some typical words. This can make a huge difference in the success of your influencer marketing campaigns.
Not Testing Each Marketing Strategy
It’s best to run a few tests before implementing a new marketing strategy. The last thing you want is to spend your marketing budget on something that won’t work. You must analyse and make decisions for your Influencer Marketing Campaigns to work out well and thus ensure that you are now wasting your money.
To avoid these pitfalls you must take out time and plan your campaigns with complete research. You could also take the help of professional agencies like SavvyTree where we take care of your influencer marketing campaigns at each level. We have experienced and qualified individuals who can guide and formulate your influencer marketing campaigns to bring out the best results.
Contact us for a free consultation.